Luigi Nono‘s penultimate work was conceived as an immersive experience for listeners: a solo violinist accompanied by electronically transformed violin sounds emanating from speakers around the audience.
For the first time, Nono’s La lontananza nostalgica utopica futura is being released in a way that allows the home listener to experience the work as the composer intended, with violinist Miranda Cuckson accompanied by Luigi Nono’s original eight-channel tape, restored and mixed by Christopher Burns in high-definition 5.1 surround sound on Blu-Ray Audio disc, and in a stereophonic mix on compact disc.
Luigi Nono: La lontananza nostalgica utopica futura (1988-89)
Miranda Cuckson, violin / Christopher Burns, electronics
Produced by Christopher Burns and Richard Warp
Recording engineer: Richard Warp
Recorded at A Bloody Good Record Inc, Long Island City NY
Mixing engineer (stereo CD): Richard Warp
Mixing engineers (DTS 5.1 surround mix): Paul Special and Richard Warp
Assistant mixing engineer (DTS 5.1 surround mix): Dillon Pajunas
DTS 5.1 surround mix produced at Sonic Arts Center, CCNY, NYC
Produced for New Spectrum Recordings, NYC
Executive producer: Glenn Cornett
Urlicht AudioVisual UAD-5992-BR
Audio Blu-Ray + CD release date: February 12, 2013
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